Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Slumber Party at LAX

"A journey is never a simple thing. The hitches and the boredom, the missed connections and empty hours are the price for leaving one’s real life and entertaining an unreal one."

­­­­­­The South Bound adventure began with the end of a girl’s trip on Catalina Island.  However Meredith and my journey through Central and South America will undoubtedly be drastically different than the five days spent with nine girls in a rental house on Catalina Island.  Instead our journey began with 28 hours of airports and flights.  

Sunday afternoon we made our way to LAX so the majority of the girls could catch their 6pm flights home.  Meredith and I opted to catch a ride then instead of having to find a place to sleep and ride early the following morning even though our flights did leave until 8am Monday.  We said our goodbyes to Britt, Shir, Jill and Morgane at Terminal 1 then proceeded to the information desk.  The men working there seemed somewhat surprised by our plan, but recommended the Bradley International Terminal.  Morgane had also told us about the website The Guide to Sleeping in Airports, which had nothing but horrible reviews of LAX.  We spent the next few hours chasing the sun and reading, making our way inside as the sun went down.  After a quick meal we found a carpeted corner that was somewhat sheltered from the common area to set up camp.

Overall the night would have been bearable had it not been absolutely freezing.  Meredith and I both woke up regularly to pile on more clothes.  The announcements for the veterans lounge downstairs with complementary showers and sleeping areas was a constant reminder of the luxuries we lacked.  At 5am we packed up to make our way to our respective terminals.  Off to our first stop: Panama City.

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